The REC Marketing Shop is managed by:
Geschäftsführer: Thomas Gottschall, Patrick Haendly
Schorner Straße 1a
D - 82065 Baierbrunn
Tel +49 89 23 88 73 - 12
Fax +49 89 23 88 73 – 29
USt.-Id.-Nr. / VAT ID gemäß § 27 a UStG: DE 813231957
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München HRB 138163
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV:
Thomas Gottschall (Anschrift wie oben)
Online Dispute Resolution of the European Commission:
Exclusion of Liability
1. Content of the online presentation
EIDEX GmbH does not accept any kind of liability for the current accuracy, correctness, completeness or quality of the information made available. Claims for liability against EIDEX that are related to damage of a material or immaterial kind that is caused by the use or non-use of the information presented or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information are excluded in principle, provided that no provably intentional or grossly negligent fault on the part of EIDEX exists. All presentations are subject to alteration without notice and are not legally binding. EIDEX explicitly reserves the right to alter, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the whole presentation without separate announcement or to cease publication at times or finally.
2. References and links
In the case of direct or indirect references to Web pages belonging to other parties (’hyperlinks’) that lie outside the area of responsibility of EIDEX, an obligation of liability would come into effect exclusively in the event that EIDEX has knowledge of the contents and that it would be technically possible and reasonable for EIDEX to prevent usage in the event of illegal contents. EIDEX herewith explicitly declares that at the time of setting up the links no illegal contents could be discerned on the pages to which links were being made. EIDEX has no kind of influence on the current and future arrangement, contents or authorship of the linked/integrated pages. For this reason EIDEX herewith explicitly distances itself from all the contents of all the linked/integrated pages that were altered after the link was created. This statement applies to all the links and references within its own Internet presentation as well as to entries by other people in the guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by EIDEX. The provider of the page to which reference is made, not the person who merely makes reference through links to the respective publication, is solely liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and in particular for damage which arises from the use or non-use of presented information of such a kind.
3. Copyright and labelling law
EIDEX endeavours to respect the copyrights of the graphics, pictures, sound documents, video sequences and texts used in all publications, to use graphics, pictures, sound documents, video sequences and texts constructed by itself or to resort to licence-free graphics, pictures, sound documents, video sequences and texts. All the brands and trade marks mentioned in the Internet presentation and if applicable protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the labelling law currently prevailing at the time and to the rights of ownership of the respectively registered owner. The conclusion is not to be drawn that trademarks, solely on the basis of merely being mentioned, are not protected by the rights of third parties! The copyright for published objects and pictures constructed by EIDEX itself remains solely with EIDEX. Reproduction or use of such graphics, pictures, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the explicit agreement of EIDEX.
4. Data protection
In so far as the possibility to enter personal or business data (e mail addresses, names, addresses) exists within the Internet presentation, the disclosure of this information on the part of the user takes place on an explicitly voluntary basis. The utilisation of, and payment for, all services offered is - so far as technically possible and reasonable - also permitted without providing such data or providing anonymised data or a pseudonym. The use of contact information published in the context of the imprint or comparable information, such as postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers as well as EIDEX-mail-addresses, by third parties for the sending of information not explicitly requested is not permitted. The right to legal measures against the senders of so-called spam mail in contravention of this prohibition is explicitly reserved.
5. The legal validity of this exclusion of liability
This exclusion of liability is to be considered as part of the Internet presentation, out of which reference was made to this page. In so far as parts or individual formulations of this text should not, no longer or not completely correspond to the prevailing legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected by this in their content and their legal validity.